A Message From Summerhill Academy Friends
Dear Parents/Carers,
Please find below a message from Summerhill Academy Friends:
Truth Time.
Sadly, since our last shout-out for parents and carers to join/ support the Summerhill Academy Friends PTA
(Parent Teacher Association), we have had ZERO enquiries or people come forwards.
So we thought it would be a good time to bust some myths you may have around who the PTA are and what we do…
MYTH: “There are loads of other parents helping out – they don’t need me”.
TRUTH: Since the last lockdown was lifted there have been 3-4 of us trying to keep it alive.
MYTH: “The PTA will want to meet up all the time. I’m just too busy for that”.
TRUTH: At the moment we probably meet once every 4-6 weeks to either discuss plans for the term ahead or action one of the events for that term. When we get the chance, we love to meet in a local bar or café and have a proper catch up and a laugh. There really is a great social side to being part of the PTA.
MYTH: “I’ll have to be involved in everything all the time”.
TRUTH: We won’t ask for more time than you can give. We understand that we all live busy lives; but without more people we just cannot put on the events or run the fundraising days we’d like.
There comes a point where there is only so much three people can do!!
MYTH: “The people on the PTA have loads of time to spend fundraising for the school”.
TRUTH: Actually the three current members are just like you. We all work full time. We all have children at the school. We all have after school clubs and homes to look after. We choose to be part of the PTA so our kids can enjoy as much of the school experience as they possibly can while they are there.
MYTH: “The PTA don’t really do anything anyway”.
TRUTH: Without the PTA there would be no extra funds or events for the school.
This means that all the:
School Discos, Film Nights, Summer Fairs, Christmas Fairs, Ice Pop Fridays, Hot Chocolate Wednesdays, subsidised school trips, end of year BBQ’s, playground equipment, new books for the library, ‘Yes Day’ Fun Day…. JUST. DOESN’T. HAPPEN.
The PTA should be the beating heart of a school. A place that all parents or carers can be part of to enable their school child(ren) to have the most fun, exciting and enriching school experience possible.
Without more members to support us, we simply cannot go on.
We can’t even vote ourselves back into our current roles at our annual AGM!!
We need more brains to bounce ideas around.
We need more hands to help at events.
This is our final cry for help!!
We really would love you to be part of the Summerhill Academy Friends PTA.
Please join our Zoom call on MONDAY 18th OCTOBER at 7:30pm,
simply follow the link below or email: